Inflatable Airbed and Pillow Ultralight InnovaGoods
If you are passionate about the world of gadgets, InnovaGoods offers you the best and most original new items for the home, car, travel, children, technology, entertainment, etc.! Discover a wide range of high-quality products that stand out thanks to their functionality, efficiency and innovative design, such as the Inflatable Airbed and Pillow Ultralight InnovaGoodsGadget Travel!
- Material: PVC
- V-shaped design: improves air distribution for greater stability
- Type:
- Ultra-light
- Compact
- Ergonomic
- Anti-bacterial
- Repels water and damp
- Easy to inflate and deflate
- Takes up a small amount of space
- Convenient and easy to use
- Ideal for camping
- Includes: Carry Bag
- Approx. dimensions:
- 70 x 210 cm (930 g)
- 50 x 30 cm (80 g)
- Approximate dimensions when folded: 12 x 38 x 12 cm
- Packaging in 24 languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Slovenian, Greek, Czech, Bulgarian, Croatian, Slovak, Estonian, Russian, Latvian)
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